Scotts Ridge Elementary PTA

2024-2025 Family Marathon

Family Marathon FAQs​
How does the Family Marathon work?
Participants will walk/run outside of school and use their necklaces to log their first 25 miles, one mile at a time. Each time a participant completes a mile, they add a bead to their necklace. The star beads are added at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 miles. The last mile of the marathon will take place on March 15, 2024 at SRE with classmates and staff cheering the Marathon-running families on.
Who can register for the marathon?
Students, families, and staff of SRE are invited to participate.
How many miles is the Family Marathon?
26.2 miles.
Will there be Run Clinics?
Yes, there will be optional Run Clinics before school to give students an opportunity to work on their miles - two mornings per week with attendance split alphabetically. See the information in the Run Clinics section for details.
How does the final mile work?
Families will gather at SRE on the afternoon of March 15, 2024. Participants will complete the last laps around the school in celebration with music and their classmates and staff cheering families on!
When do I register?
Registration should be submitted by Wednesday 1/17/2023 on the memberhub store.
What does registration include?
Registration is $10 per family and includes a necklace and beads for each student to track miles completed. Participants will also receive a vinyl water bottle sticker upon completion of the last laps at SRE.
When will I receive my necklaces and beads to track miles?
Necklaces & beads will come home with students on 1/25 & 1/26.
How do I buy a t-shirt?
Optional Family Marathon t-shirts for the final day can be purchased on the memberhub store.
T-shirt orders must be submitted by Friday 1/26/2024.